New Release

  • $14.99

    A beautiful and delicate tropical sundew from Roraima in Brazil, this Drosera intermedia has a lovely rosette of upright leaves. This plant will be shipped bare-root with a 3″ plastic pot and enough top-quality New Zealand long-fiber sphagnum moss to fill it. Planting and growing instructions will also be included.

  • $24.99

    Pinguicula esseriana is one of the cutest and most compact of all Mexican Pinguicula, with a small, tight round rosette that is pink in very bright lighting and green otherwise. It propagates very easily from the succulent winter leaves! This is a miniature species, and the plants for sale are…

  • $24.99

    Pinguicula cyclosecta is a totally unique plant. In good light, the leaves age into an incredible blue-grey color! Nothing else looks quite like it, and it’s a must-have in any collection of Mexican pings. This is a small species, and the plants for sale are currently about 1″ across. This…

  • $14.99

    Drosera spatulata ’Tamlin’ is a classic cultivar of the ubiquitous and variable Drosera spatulata. At full size it can develop a rosette almost 3 inches in diameter, and turns ruby red under very bright light. This plant will be shipped in a moss plug with a 3″ plastic pot and…

  • $24.99

    A species with an adorable, compact rosette, Pinguicula ehlersiae can become extremely colorful in bright light. This is a miniature species, and the plants for sale are around 1/2″ – 1″ across. These plants will be shipped bare-root with a 3″ plastic pot and enough high-quality New Zealand long-fiber sphagnum…

  • $24.99

    Pinguicula ‘Pirouette’ is a beautiful butterwort hybrid between P. agnata and P. (moranensis x ehlersiae). The leaves of P. ‘Pirouette’ are slightly pointed and range from light green to pink depending on the intensity of light. Their flowers are a lovely purple. This is a medium-sized hybrid, and the plants for…

  • $14.99

    Drosera natalensis is a lovely rosetted South African sundew which is closely related to D. venusta. It’s compact shape and beautiful colors make it perfect for terrarium and windowsill growing. This sundew carnivorous plant for sale will be shipped bare-root with a 3″ plastic pot and enough top-quality New Zealand…

  • $14.99

    Drosera nidiformis is a tropical sundew found in South Africa. They are easy to grow and remain relatively small, making them ideal candidates for windowsill or terrarium growing. Drosera nidiformis are perennial, which means they can survive for many years, however they will often perish after being allowed to flower…

  • $14.99

    This rare form of Drosera coccicaulis produces all-white leaves and tentacles instead of the standard red and orange coloration.This charming sundew plant is easy to grow, and produces semi-upright leaves in a rosette up to 3″ across. Due to it’s small size, this makes a fantastic windowsill or terrarium specimen.Don’t…


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